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現今社會的人們廣泛運用社交媒體(Social Media)來創作,分享,交流意見,觀點及經驗的虛擬社區和網絡平台。流行的社交媒體傳播介質包括 Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、Google+、Snapchat、網絡論壇等。優笙教育國際聯盟並不是反對會員使用社交媒體。我們反對 以社交媒體為工具來進行遠端教學。許多網絡欺凌事件源自於社交媒體。社交媒體會造成學員在學習上分心。我們對會員在電腦前同時上課與上社交媒體網頁與其他網友互動的行為持反對態度。來自網絡的謠言,威脅,謾罵與譏諷仍然會令人受傷。我們數十年的遠端教育經驗證明網路教育與社交媒體水火不容。也因此我們投入心思研發並架設網路電話系統。如果您不認同我們的立場,請不要加入或申請成為我們的會員。

Why do we not support the use of social media as a management tool for our organization?

Social media has become a tool to host virtual online communities where members gather to exchange knowledge, experience and insight. Popular social networking sites include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Snapchat. At Eugenie Academia, we do not oppose the use of these powerful social networking tools by any member of our organization. Rather, we do not support the use of social networking sites to deliver our educational curriculum. Cyberbullying occurs more often on social media sites than in a private Internet telephony system. Sticks and stones may break bones,but words can hurt as well. Throughout our years of experience, we have come to understand that digital classroom does not mix well with a social networking site. That is why we have put the time and resource to develop an online telephony system and a Web-based learning portal. Please do not join Eugenie Academia if you do not concur with us on this issue.


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